Saturday, January 23, 2010

What does it truly take for women to build a successful home based business?

Why do so many women set out to be a successful entrepreneur but not as many turn out to be what society would acknowledge to be a "success"?

Do some women just have a special gift that others don't have or a secret that they aren't willing to share?

What does it really take to be a successful home based business owner?

I've learned a few things over the years as I've grown towards my own success and as I've watched others succeed and some fail as well.

Here's what I know....

Women are Powerful...
I know that women are very powerful, we're a strong force to be reckoned with and can absolutely have anything that we desire if we go after it in the right way. We're the multi-taskers, the ones that can always get the job done.

I can often be found cradling the phone to my ear, talking to a prospect about my business opportunity while I'm holding and soothing a 2 year old as I stand over the stove cooking supper.

Why on earth would I be doing all that at the same time? Because I am focused on my goal and I know what I need to do to reach the finish line.

You have to have a big "why"...
Someone that is successful at building a home based business must have, above and beyond anything else, a huge "why". A "why" is what you're fighting for, it's your reason for working your business no matter what - day in and day out - through all the ups and downs. It's the reason you keep fighting to reach your goals.

Your "why" has to be more than money. Money is certainly a great goal and I'm sure we all have monetary goals set for ourselves, but it's not enough to push us through the hard times. My "why" is my children. It has been very important to me that I never put my children back in daycare ever again. I want to be able to be at home for my children 24/7. Another part of my "why" is to bring my husband home. My husband works very hard at a very physically demanding job. I am building my home business so that one day soon he can make the decision to work because he wants to, not because he has to.

You have to find a "why" that inspires you. You have to find something that is worth fighting for because that is what is going to keep you going day in and day out through all the hard times. (And I promise you, there will be hard times.)

You have to be fearless...
Successful home based business owners have overcome their fears. This is not always easy to do, but fear will kill your business. If you always have that internal struggle where part of you wants to succeed but part of you is afraid of failing, you'll never achieve the breakthrough you need to be successful.

Work hard to overcome your fears. Identify what you are afraid of and focus on conquering that fear. Seek out help if you need to. Find someone who has experienced and overcome that fear, research the fear online and take steps to overcome it. Chances are that fear is not only in your business life but also in your everyday life. Don't let it rule your world. Stop focusing on the fear and focus on what kinds of great things will come from you when you get over that fear and get on with your business.

You have to find your passion...
What is your passion? Successful home based business owners have a passion and they live their passion every day.

Think about what gives you the most joy. I love helping other moms find a way that they can earn an income from home. I took my kids to daycare. I hated every day that I had to drop them off. I struggled to find something real that would allow me to stay home and still help my husband with the bills. I now love being able to share my knowledge with other moms that are looking for the same thing that I was looking for.

By finding your passion, you'll work harder and longer at your business and that in turn will equate to bigger financial gain from your business.

You have to have patience...
Successful home based business owners do not give up before the blessing. You may not always see immediate success, but you have to keep in mind what your alternatives are. Keep your "why" in focus. If you don't stick it out to see the success where will you go? Will you have to go back to the 9-5 job? Will you be giving up on your dreams to be a 24/7 at home mom? Will you be giving up your dreams of big houses, family vacations, never having to say "no" because you just don't have the money?

I promise you that your business will NOT be a success overnight. It just doesn't happen that way. Success doesn't come without failure. Those that are willing to work through the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the good and the bad will be the ones crossing the finish line as "successful home based business owners".

You have to have the right mindset...
This one is a tough one. We learned all about peer pressure in high school. It doesn't end when we put on the cap and gown and graduate. Peer pressure follows us all throughout our lives. You will be tested as you embark on your home based business journey. You will hit walls.

You have to surround yourself with people that will empower you. Put your dreams in an environment that will nurture them and allow them to grow. Stay away from negativity. Keep the whining and complaining out of your life.

Something that always has helped me is to read 10-15 pages of something motivational, inspirational or uplifting each and every day. Feed your mind either by reading or listening to motivational tapes etc. By surrounding yourself with the daily positive energy, you will be more confident and have such a big believe in yourself and your dreams when the negative people show up ready to steal your dreams right out of your heart.

You have to have big dreams and big goals...
It's time to stop dreaming safely and stop setting the small safe goals. You will produce what you see in your mind and if you limit yourself to small dreams and goals that's all you'll ever achieve.

Conceive your dreams in your mind and your heart then put them on paper where you can see them every day. Maybe you will want to create a vision board. Cut pictures out of magazines and paste them on a board or put them up on your wall by your workspace where you can visualize your dreams and goals every day.

You have to produce daily action...
You have to show up and work your business every day. If you already have a job outside of the home then your business is your second job. It deserves the same respect that you give your first job. If you're a mom and you are trying to work your business with your children around then you'll need to become a master at time management.

You must stay in action mode to create momentum. Any break, any time off, any lapse in action will put you right back at the starting gate. Even small steps every day will help to keep the momentum moving forward.

You have to be grateful...
Be grateful for what you have today. Don't focus on all the negative - "Why don't i have...?", "Why am i not...?" Be grateful for where you are today and what you have now and know that you are writing your own story. You have total, complete control of your life and your home business and you can make as much out of it as you possibly want.

Enjoy the journey. You'll have many successes along the way. Recognize those and celebrate them as they come along.

Successful home based business owners are building their businesses for themselves and their families. They are going after their dreams in spite of the nay-sayers and all the negativity that surrounds them.

Go after your dreams and don't stop until you achieve them all!


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